Sunday, 21 December 2008


hi its katieburns

Saturday, 20 December 2008

During 2008!

Its xmas again woo hoo!During 2008 club penguin had
  • January- March=winter fiesta-val and the play 'squidzoid vs shadow guy and gamma girl and save the migrator which crashed into an iceburg.
  • April 2008-artful looking club penguin.
  • May 2008-Brave knights medival club penguin.
  • June 2008-Water party!
  • July 2008-New mail system
  • August 2008-Sports party
  • September 2008-Fall Fair
  • October 2008-halloween party
  • november-?
  • december 2008-x mas party!!!

Monday, 17 November 2008

Sorry!! ;(

Sorry that we've not been posting for ages, from now one we will be posting EVERY TIME AN INTERESTING THING HAPPENS. We are soooooooooo sorry!!

Benpengy & Katieburns - Club Penguin Mad.

Thursday, 17 July 2008

new postcard feature

A NEW CLUB PENGUIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg a clubpenguin is out on the ds!!!

i cant wait to get it

i hope u can do ds download on it

any way we've been behind a little u see


(cpm )

Sunday, 13 July 2008

New Club Penguin game and New Features

There is a new game coming out soon and We think it's something to do with music.
Here is a Sneak Peek:
There are also new features coming out. You probably know this so sorry were so late on posting this. They were supposed to be out on Thursday, but Club Penguin found a couple of annoying bugs that they have to fix so they are hopefully going to have them fixed by early next week.

Benpengy and Katieburns - Club Penguin Mad

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Club Penguin Mad's 1st Featured Penguin "Shaunab"

Hi! This the 1st featured penguin on Club Penguin Mad.

Go ahead and rate this penguin (/10)
Benpengy & Katieburns - Club Penguin Mad